Lawn Maintenance Tips For Every Homeowner

25 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog


There's nothing quite like a lush, green lawn. A great lawn is more fun to relax and play in. It also looks a lot nicer to anyone who drives by or visits your home. But how do you get that thick, green lawn everyone is envious of? It all comes down to lawn maintenance. Here are some lawn maintenance tips almost every homeowner can benefit from.

Plant some warm-season grasses.

Warm-season grasses are those that thrive when the weather is hotter. But that is not their most notable characteristic! These grasses spread by runners, which means they have a connected network of roots below the soil. As such, they tend to form a dense mat as they grow. This leads to a thicker lawn that is less prone to damage from people walking over it or rolling wheels over it.

You don't need to replant your entire lawn with warm-season grasses. Just "over-seed" with them — which means scatter some grass seed over your already existing lawn. Warm-season grasses to use include St. Augustine grass, zoysia grass, and Bermuda grass. Sometimes you can find a blended mixture of these seeds, which works well.

Use a slow-release fertilizer.

One problem homeowners run into is their lawn looking really nice after they fertilize it, and then getting all brown and sad again a few weeks later. You can prevent this issue by using a slow-release fertilizer. Scatter the slow-release fertilizer pellets over the lawn. They'll break down slowly, releasing a little fertilizer each time it rains. Check the bag for how often to apply. Usually, you only need to re-apply every couple of months.

Make sure you're using a fertilizer specifically for grass. Those made for veggies can be too high in nitrogen, leading to lawn damage.

Water at night or early in the morning.

It's hot and sunny out, so you figure the grass could use some water. Sound familiar? If you're watering in the middle of the day, you're not doing your grass any favors. The grass may sizzle and scorch the grass blades due to the sun's heat. Water at night or in the early morning before the sun is up. The water will seep directly into the soil where the grass can actually use it.

With the three big tips above, you will have a much greener, lusher lawn. It all comes down to the right seeds, fertilizer, and watering techniques. For more information on lawn maintenance, contact a professional near you.