Things You'll Need To Start Your Own Landscaping Business

30 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog


If you have a way with lawns and gardens and want to start your own landscaping business, you can turn your dream into reality by investing in a few pieces of equipment and tools. Because you're just starting out, you may have a few items on hand, but chances are that you'll have to purchase some essentials before you get up and running.

At the beginning, consider purchasing used items from second-hand retailers if possible, knowing that you can upgrade when your business starts pulling in money. You want to make sure that your venture will pay off before spending a lot of money on equipment. 

Here are some things you'll need to begin your own landscaping business:

1. Reliable Transportation

Not only will you just need a way to get to and from landscaping gigs, you also need to be able to haul your equipment, which will include some large, heavy items as well. If you currently have a small car, you'll also need a pick-up truck as well. You can either trade your vehicle in for the truck, or purchase an inexpensive truck to use until your business gets off of the ground.

Make sure that the truck is able to pull an equipment trailer for items such as lawn mowers. Also consider buying a truck with an extended cab that can accommodate a small crew if needed​. Also consider having your business name and phone number printed on the truck, which will act as free advertising.

2. Gardening Tools

You'll also need to purchase a wide range of basic and specialty gardening tools in order to make your clients' outdoor spaces beautiful. Get a canvas caddy and fill it with items such as hand shovels, a branch and twig pruner, trowel, a spade, a cultivator, a spray bottle and a leaf and flower trimmer.

Look for a caddy with sturdy legs so that you can easily move it around with you and stand it up for convenience. You can even have your company's name printed on the tool bag as a professional touch.

3. Leaf Blower 

A high-quality leaf blower is a small investment that will pay off right away. You can use it for everything from blowing dead leaves off your clients' driveways and sidewalks during autumn, to blowing away fresh-cut grass in the summer. A leaf blower will save you time and energy, as well as allow you to do a professional-looking job.

4. Lawn Equipment 

Perhaps the largest landscaping business investments, both riding and push lawn mowers are essential to lawn care. Unless you've taken out a loan to begin your new venture, this is where buying second-hand items may come in handy.

5. Wheelbarrow 

Although wheelbarrows seem like simple pieces of equipment, they'll make hauling twigs, branches, leaves, weeds, grass and other items much easier. 

For more information, contact a company like L & L Excavation & Landscaping.